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International Juried Photography Call for Entry 


JUROR:  Traer Scott


DEADLINE: April 6, 2025 (Midnight Pacific Time)



The New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA) invites photographers world-wide to submit images using any photographic process (print, image transfer, emulsion transfer, encaustic, black and white, etc.). Winners will receive $4,000 in cash awards, be featured in the NYC4PA Online Gallery and in the winners catalog. The Grand Prize winning image will be posted on the NYC4PA home page.


I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.


The poet Joyce Kilmer wrote those words in 1915. And they hold true today. Trees are all around us in cities, towns and the country. They can be a striking visual, as a standalone in a barren landscape or be part of everyday life in the yard with an old tire swing hanging from a low branch. Trees are much a part of the animal kingdom providing limbs for resting and nesting, as well as wonderful sources of food for so many species.


Forests and jungles create whole environments. Trees standing alone on hillsides create lovely shadows. They can be tall and straight like a winter pine or bend and twist as they grow. The art can be found in the leaves, the branches, single trees or in groups of every size from oases to orchards. line.


Please Note

  • Images awarded an NYC4PA prize within the past 2 years are not eligible. Images submitted that were not selected for a prize may be submitted at any time.

  • We use a blind jury process – no signatures or watermarks on the submitted files













There will be 10 cash prizewinners, 20 Juror Selections and 20 Honorable Mentions


            Grand Prize: One photographer will receive $1,100. The image will be featured on the home page NYC4PA.COM.

            First Prize:3 photographers will each receive $400.

            Second Prize:3 photographers will each receive $325. 

            Third Prize:3 photographers will each receive $250.


All prizewinners will be included in both the online gallery and catalog and be presented with a certificate.




This Call for Entries is open worldwide to both amateur and professional photographers.  NYC4PA invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate. Experimental and mixed techniques are welcome. Only 2-D work is eligible.



The entry fee is $35 for the first three images. Additional images may be submitted for $10 each. There is no limit to the number of images submitted. 

For payment and upload please go to: 


Prepare your images as follows

          - Jpg files about 1M work well. You may see a note in Smarter Entry to keep files under 8M. Since Smarter Entry reduces

 file size for juror review when you submit, there is no advantage to larger files that may slow the upload process considerably.

 Also, after a successful upload you will see your image on the right side of the screen - if it is clear to you, it will be clear to

 the juror, and that's what is important.         

         - Select unique names for each image so you can identify them when we send prize winner notification. Tea Glass1 Tea

 Glass 2 can be difficult.        

         - We prefer shorter names.       

         - Filenames with special characters may not load properly       

         - If you are working in Photoshop, and are using the image size screen, the file size indicated at the top is the size before

 any compression applied in the save process. Please save the file as a JPG and then look at the file size.  It should be perfect.​


Traer Scott is an award-winning fine art and commercial photographer and bestselling author of fourteen books including Shelter Dogs, Finding Home and Radiant; Farm Animals Up Close and Personal and the forthcoming Cats of Rome. Her work is exhibited around the world and is regularly featured in national and international print and online publications. Her books have been reviewed in National Geographic, Life, Vogue, the New York Times Lens Blog, O, the Boston Globe, School Library Journal (starred review), the Wall Street Journal, American Photo Magazine, Le Monde, Der Stern, Popular Photography, and Popular Science, among numerous other outlets. She has been interviewed live on major network television talk shows as well as affiliate stations of the major networks and is a sought-after public speaker.

Her series Natural History has been the subject of three museum exhibits:  University of Maine Museum of Art in 2015, the Griffin Museum of Photography in 2018 and the American Museum of the Americas in 2019 and numerous gallery exhibits. Her work has also been seen in the leading outdoor exhibitions, “The Fence” and “Photoville”.

She is a two time recipient of Rhode Island State Council for the Arts grants and winner of the Helen Woodward Humane Award for animal welfare activism. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island with her husband, daughter and dogs.


All entrants to NYC4PA Open Calls for Entry, by virtue of their submission, are attesting that the images submitted are their own work and there has been no copyright infringement.  NYC4PA will not be held liable for any infringement of rights that might surface during the jurying or displaying of any image. 


By submitting you grant NYC4PA the right to use your image(s) for promotion and advertisement of NYC4PA as well as inclusion in the NYC4PA catalog and online gallery if the image is prize winning, juror selection or honorable mention. The photographer retains all rights to the image. 


Images selected by jurors for Prizes, Juror's Selection or Honorable Mention in an NYC4PA international call for entry within the past 2 years are not eligible. Images previously submitted but not selected may be resubmitted as often as you wish.


Should your award notification or prize be returned as undeliverable, NYC4PA will not resend the notice (whether by the same or another method,) research your address nor make any further attempts at delivery, and your submission will be deemed ineligible. Please be careful when entering all your contact information. 

Cash Prize winners living outside the United States will be responsible for costs incurred for wire transferif PayPal is unavailable.

UNITED STATES TAXES- All winners are required to pay tax on prizes.  This happens at the end of each calendar year.For U.S. citizens with total winnings accrued through NYC4PA of $600 or more, we are required to file, and provide the artist with, a copy of a 1099 tax form.  If this is the case, you will need to provide NYC4PA with tax ID information in January of the following year.  


As a submitter NYC4PA will include you in future mailings and announcements. If you would prefer NOT to be on our mailing list please log onto!contact and ask to be removed. 


Our entry software has an address field for the state you live in.  This applies to the US and several other countries - if you do not have “state” as part of your address simply leave that field blank - it is not mandatory.



If you have questions or issues please contact us at  We will make every effort to get back to you as soon as possible.  We will specifically be available via email, until 11:00PM EST on the last evening of the call.

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